Software Defined Wide Area Networks
Using the Software Defined Wide Area Networks (SD-WAN) technology, HD WAN allows businesses with multiple Branch locations to use public Broadband connections in any combination – including Fiber, Cellular,
Fixed Wireless, Cable and DSL – to securely connect to each other into a private WAN.
Each Branch can be brought into a WAN simply, using the HD Controller to manage rules and connectivity between sites. WAN users at one branch
can share resources with WAN users from other WAN branches on the
same subnet.
Hundreds of sites, one controller

HD WAN securely connects users to any application whether hosted at a data center,
in the cloud or on local server/computers across public Broadband Internet Services.
Wide Area Network Topology

Software Defined Wide Area Network – How does it work?
HD WAN uses a centralized controller to drive traffic intelligently across the WAN. By driving traffic intelligently, the outcome is increased performance of applications in the WAN and brings a superior user experience to all Branches. Each Branch location can have multiple Internet connections for redundancy and/or bandwidth, plus added features such as Quality of Service for priority application assurance and encryption for secure transport.
The result – Increased business productivity, efficiency, and reduced IT costs.

Software Defined Wide Area Network
– Alternative to VPN
- No extra VPN software for Desktops, Laptops, Tablets and Mobile devices
- No VPN configuration per user
- Quality of Service for Broadband
- Bonded Internet Connections for Increase Bandwidth at user locations that require more connectivity
- Inexpensive Hardware
- Zero touch deployment
- Remote configurations and management
- Bonded Internet Connectivity for bandwidth
- Backup Internet Connectivity for High Availability
- Site to site encryption
- Quality of Service for Critical Applications